Season 1
Parenting is hard, but when you are in a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new way of life… Parenting just got a little harder.
Listen to international parents share their experience living abroad, and how they keep it all together without going crazy. Get ready for some laughs, tears and unexpected stories from incredible parents.

EP 04: What To Expect When Expecting in Denmark
Welcome to Episode 4 of My kids think I’m cool, BUT… Podcast. In today’s episode we will be talking about getting knocked up abroad. I’m using American english slang, so basically I’m saying getting pregnant abroad. In this episode, we will talk about: how moms can prepare for birth in Denmark, what to expect before and after birth, and how important mother groups are for international mothers.
It is an exciting moment for any new parent to become a new mom or dad, but it is also scary for some who does not have the friends, and family close to by. My experience being pregnant in Denmark was fun, BUT lonely at times because I didn’t have anyone to share the experience with. Yes, I had my husband and his family but that was not the same from my own friends and family back in Los Angeles.