Season 1
Parenting is hard, but when you are in a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new way of life… Parenting just got a little harder.
Listen to international parents share their experience living abroad, and how they keep it all together without going crazy. Get ready for some laughs, tears and unexpected stories from incredible parents.

EP 16: Discovering Denmark With Niceno Larsen
On today’s episode we will be talking about what to do during these long winter days in Denmark. To me the hardest months to be in Denmark is in January-March because it is cold, windy and dark. Also, especially during these corona times where most of the places are closed and locked down. You can’t even meet with friends and have lunch AND all children's places are closed too. What can we do to keep sane during this long dreadful winter especially with the corona times? Today I have a blogger that is writing, filming and taking pictures of all her fun adventures with her kids. She has been living in Denmark for over 10 years. We will be talking about how she ended up in Denmark and about her fabulous blog Discover Denmark Diary. Plus, tips on what you can discover in Denmark.