Season 1
Parenting is hard, but when you are in a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new way of life… Parenting just got a little harder.
Listen to international parents share their experience living abroad, and how they keep it all together without going crazy. Get ready for some laughs, tears and unexpected stories from incredible parents.

EP 05: Balancing culture and language while raising children
In Today’s episode, we will be talking about how to balance culture and language all while trying to raise your children. What is acceptable in our home country is not really acceptable here in Denmark. How do parents balance both worlds while trying to keep their own culture?
Today’s guest, Camila Gamelgaard-Baker is a Dane but grew up all over the world besides Denmark. She moved back here a couple of years ago and today she will talk about her experience of living abroad as a Dane and living in Denmark as a repat.