Season 1
Parenting is hard, but when you are in a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new way of life… Parenting just got a little harder.
Listen to international parents share their experience living abroad, and how they keep it all together without going crazy. Get ready for some laughs, tears and unexpected stories from incredible parents.

Ep 34: What Happened To Podcasting?
Many of my listeners ask why I stopped podcasting in the last six months.
Listen to my final Season 1 podcast where I explain the reason for the disappearance.
Also, I will be talking about season 2 =)

EP 33: Integrating To Denmark With Kanwaldeep Kaur
Today's episode is about a blog writer's life in Denmark. She and her husband from the same country, India, have moved to Denmark and are raising their son. We will talk about her cultural experience in Denmark and her fantastic blog, where she shares all her experiences from buying a house, picking a school, and more.

EP 32: Living Happily Abroad With Franziska Luxhøj
In today's episode, We will talk about being Happy Abroad. What is the meaning of being happy abroad?
Sometimes before we all move abroad, we don't realize or see how mentally challenging it is for a person, let alone a family, to move to a different country. Yet, we face the same factors of integrating and making new friends and adjusting to the new way of living.

Ep 31: Creating an Educational Space and Support System for Expats While Raising An International Family
Today, on my episode I have Rashmi Jethani. I am so happy she will be talking about her life here in Denmark as an international parent. She and her husband are from India but lived in other countries like the US, Japan AND now settled in Denmark with her 2 kids. Rashmi will share her culture shocks and how she finds both countries to live in.