Season 1
Parenting is hard, but when you are in a new country, learning a new language and adapting to a new way of life… Parenting just got a little harder.
Listen to international parents share their experience living abroad, and how they keep it all together without going crazy. Get ready for some laughs, tears and unexpected stories from incredible parents.

EP 14: Raising Awareness of Autism While Living Abroad
On Today’s episode, I have Therese Christensen, an international mom from the Philippines. Her husband is danish/filippino and they have 1 son together, named Fredrik. They are living in Denmark AND Frederik has Autism.
We will be discussing with Therese about her life in Denmark with her family, and raising her son with Autism. She also wrote a children’s book along with her son that can build awareness for other parents and people out in the world.

Ep 12:Adapting To Denmark During The Pandemic
On Today’s episode, we will be talking about how some internationals have to change their life when moving abroad. Many International spouse’s don’t get enough credit for moving their life to a new country. They are leaving their life behind, so their other half can follow their dream jobs. I talk to so many internationals that had to give up their career or business behind in their home country and literally start over in Denmark. It takes courage to start over and move abroad, but many spouses living abroad support their partners so they take the leap of faith to the unknown.

Ep 08: Living In A Multi-Cultural Household
In today’s episode, we will be discussing different cultures in one household and how one family handles it. When you are a parent there are many challenges that already come to raising children. But when an international parent is raising their kids in a different country; the challenges multiply. The parents are trying to navigate in a new country plus trying to maintain their culture for their children.

Ep 07: Discovering Your Passion When Moving Abroad
In Today’s episode, we are going to speak about how moving abroad can really change your mindset, and what you want to do in life. How some parents turn their passion into a business while living abroad as an international parent.
I have a guest who will be speaking about her journey to Denmark and being an international mother. This guest also turned her passion for drawing to a business. Now, she teaches kids and young adults how to draw Manga art. My guest is from Japan married to a Dane and they have 1 son together.

EP 06: Adapting To A New Country - Denmark
In Episode 6, I am talking about adapting to a new country from traditions to everyday life. For some people it is very easy, but for others it is definitely not an easy transition. Sometimes it takes years to adapt, or they never adapt and end up moving back home. Also, raising a family in a new country can be extremely difficult when you don’t have close family or friends near by.
I will be interviewing Ruth Moritz Mikkelsen. An American mother raising her son in Denmark. We will be talk about how she adapted to everday life in Denmark.

EP 03: The International Dad Experience in Denmark
Welcome to Episode 3 of My kids think I’m cool, BUT… Podcast. In today’s episode we will be talking about dads and their experience in Denmark being a first time father in an international country. I think it is so fascinating the different experiences parents have while living abroad. I can’t really relate or go into details about what dads are experiencing so I have Dave Villanueva here to answer all my questions since he had his daughter here in Denmark with his girlfriend Anna who is from Poland. Dave is from Chile and has lived and traveled all over the world. Also, Dave helps me record all my episodes so it makes sense that you the listeners get to know who is on the other side of the Mic besides me.

EP 02: Culture Shock - Halloween in Denmark vs Halloween in US
It's not technically Halloween yet, but in the US the month of October is Halloween… hahaha! I am excited to do today’s episode about Halloween in Denmark vs Halloween in the US, plus get to know these two mothers next to me and why the heck they are in Denmark.
I wanted to do this show because when I moved here in 2014, I was completely shocked that Halloween was not celebrated here. No scary event, fun costumes, Halloween parties, haunted houses and Halloween candy. Come on I want my skull-shaped Reese Peanut Butter cups or eyeball lollipop!
This episode will be a fun one that will cover a little history of Halloween and when I say little like where it originated (Thank you Google), the celebration of Halloween in Denmark, the US and Maybe Italy since I have a momma here that has lived in all three countries. Plus a little glimpse of their life as an international mother living in Denmark.

EP 01: Who is Jackie and why her kids think she's cool?
Welcome to the very first episode of "My Kids Think I'm Cool, BUT..." Podcast - I'm so excited that I cannot hide it! :) I was kind of nervous at first, but once I got talking (with a little help from my audio engineer Dave, who accidentally became my co-host in this episode) you couldn't stop me! I guess I'm more talkative than I expected, but that only means starting a radio program, and a podcast was a great idea! ;)
Today I'm gonna share with you my experience with starting life all over again in the new country - which in my case was Denmark. Among others, you’ll find out: How did I end up in Denmark? Why trying to cook in Denmark felt at first like "Mission Impossible"? And why did I have to say "goodbye" to all my high heel shoes and put them in a box?